Agile Foundations Bootcamp

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Learning Alliance Corporation offers businesses two different AGILE/SCRUM learning pathways for IT specific and non-IT specific companies. We break these a-part because an IT company will already demonstrate some form of AGILE practice due to the industry while non-IT companies will require a different set of training altogether. Also, if you are a HR department in a manufacturing company, your AGILE needs will be different from those in the IT field so it is important to demonstrate the differences during training.

During the two week training period, your employees will obtain four certifications in AGILE, including:

  • Agile Fundamentals Certification
  • Agile Collaboration Certification
  • Agile Performance Certifications
  • Agile Capstone Project Certification

Your employees will learn these specific skill sets:

  • Proper grasp of evidence-based management and Agile principles
  • Proper use of agile forecasting and planning tools
  • Producing quality driven outcomes
  • Sustaining improvements and leading highly productive teams

They will also be introduced to a competence vs. competency model of understanding where it is important to value competency (the value of being agile) over competence (knowing agile).

Difference between Competence and Competency:

Competence VS Competency
Skill-based Behaviour-based
Standard attained Manner of behaviour
What is measured How the standard is achieved.

Competencies needed to earn a Certification in Agile Foundations

  • Valuing people and interactions over processes and tools
  • Valuing working product over comprehensive documentation
  • Valuing customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Valuing adapting to change over following a plan
  • Valuing direct evidence over circumstantial metrics
  • Valuing sustained improvement over bursts of success
  • Valuing continuous progression over cyclical work

Note: Students will be coached and guided to form daily learning objectives and forming their daily learning plans and the input to these two daily activities will be pulled from the list of competencies.

This boot-camp is meant as a stepping stone to propel your company, department or team into an AGILE project management methodology. It takes time and effort to adapt to the changes that will come, but the benefits of consistency will out weigh any negatives:

  • Adapt to change quicker
  • Obtain Minimal Viable Products and Minimal Marketable Products faster with lower cost
  • Increase efficiency between 100-400%
  • Build a company culture around adaptability as opposed to stagnation

All of these items help your business in the long run, and to do so you will need to follow this AGILE step-by-step practice:

Plan –> Learn –> Apply –> Inspect –> Adapt –> Understand–>Repeat

Our boot-camp will provide your employees with many exercises to learn this model in a simulated environment.

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Enrolled: 7 students
Duration: 10 Days
Level: Beginner
